Mosaik Fliser Natursten Carrara Hvid
154,96 kr.* per Ark
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Leveringstid 5-7 hverdage
More than 400,000 years ago, people used to decorate their floors and walls with their large and small marble mosaics. To this day, a marbled mosaic enjoys great popularity. This type of wall and floor covering always proves to be durable, robust and water-repellent. Marble mosaic is used as a wall and floor motif in the bathroom, kitchen, toilet, swimming pool, spa, sauna and health care facilities. Moisture, humidity, heat, heat and sun rays are absorbed by the marble mosaic. A marble mosaic is made in one color or colorful with round or square tiles. The design can be created individually or is specified by the manufacturer.
The natural stone tiles Hexagon Gallipoli in Carrara Weiss are regarded as a particularly interesting design. Honeycomb-like and evenly the natural stone tiles are made in the mosaic Hexagon Gallipoli. In their color scheme, these tiles convince in marbled Carrara white. In the surface structure, the natural stone tiles are smooth, ribbed or rough. The marbled natural stone tiles create a colorful shadow, have a charming charisma and have a peculiar ambience. The feel of the entire natural stone mosaic is pleasant in its haptic. This mosaic is laid in rectangular mats. This marble mosaic with its natural stone tiles is used both indoors and outdoors.
November 14, 2017 13:32
Sehr schöne Produkt
Mosaikfliesen Hexagon Naturstein Carrara Weiss ist ein hochwertiger Produkt. Die Farbe und die Muster sind sehr schön.
October 17, 2017 11:49
Natural Stone Anthracite
Excellent delivery service. Quality of the tiles and mosaics is excellent with no damage visible on any tiles upon delivery. We used black grout when tiling and this works really well with the tiles to bring out the pattern.
October 14, 2017 12:30
Mosaic tiles
Beautiful tiles. Great finish on them.
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Mosaikprøver leveres i en størrelse på ca.10x10cm, Flise prøverskæres ud af den angivne flise i en størrelse påmax. 30x60cmog er ekskluderet fra bytte / retur
Hver flise og hver mosaik har forskellige krav til trimning, lægning og forarbejdning på grund af de individuelle materialegenskaber og anvendelsesformål. Spørg derfor en specialist på stedet for korrekt og sikker lægning af dine mosaikker og fliser. Vi påtager os intet ansvar for forkert brug og installation af byggematerialerne.
Hver flise og hver mosaik har forskellige krav til trimning, lægning og forarbejdning på grund af de individuelle materialegenskaber og anvendelsesformål. Spørg derfor en specialist på stedet for korrekt og sikker lægning af dine mosaikker og fliser. Vi påtager os intet ansvar for forkert brug og installation af byggematerialerne.
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