Keramik Mosaik Fliser Picasso
39,49 kr.* per Ark
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The refined ceramic mosaic tiles Picasso convince every wall in the house with its elegant shape. These mosaic tiles have a glossy finish in all shades, creating a simple elegance in the bathroom, kitchen, conservatory and bedroom. With these easy-to-lay mosaic tiles, homeowners conjure up a homely atmosphere in the blink of an eye. All the styles of living are in line with this fine ceramic mosaic, making it worth your while to invest in the ceramic mosaic tiles Picasso. Sometimes it may be furniture in country style, sometimes designer furniture and sometimes a mix of furniture from many centuries.
This ceramic mosaic Picasso is always the perfect match. Therefore, old and young will love this high-quality ceramic mosaic tiles Picasso made of real ceramics. The choice of colors ranges from blue to gray blue and brown blue. Therefore, the beautiful ceramic mosaic is also suitable for larger areas, which are discreetly separated from each other. The different colors of the Picasso series can blend seamlessly into each other. Especially for the design of public spaces, these tiles are therefore often used. But even in the small private sector, these tiles are always a good choice, because they can be installed both on the whole wall or as a tile mirror.
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Mosaikprøver leveres i en størrelse på ca.10x10cm, Flise prøverskæres ud af den angivne flise i en størrelse påmax. 30x60cmog er ekskluderet fra bytte / retur
Hver flise og hver mosaik har forskellige krav til trimning, lægning og forarbejdning på grund af de individuelle materialegenskaber og anvendelsesformål. Spørg derfor en specialist på stedet for korrekt og sikker lægning af dine mosaikker og fliser. Vi påtager os intet ansvar for forkert brug og installation af byggematerialerne.
Hver flise og hver mosaik har forskellige krav til trimning, lægning og forarbejdning på grund af de individuelle materialegenskaber og anvendelsesformål. Spørg derfor en specialist på stedet for korrekt og sikker lægning af dine mosaikker og fliser. Vi påtager os intet ansvar for forkert brug og installation af byggematerialerne.
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